Sooner Con & Editing for Summer 2023

I made my first trip to Sooner Con his summer. Riding high off of actually writing again, I spent a lot of my time in panels listening to professional writers’ advice. It was a great time to reinvigorate myself to finish a few of my projects. Also, I am going to be editing the next few issues of Tavern Tall Tales, so I’ll have an opportunity to put some of what I learned to work.

Photo unrelated but take a moment to smell the wildflowers now and then (taken at Wildseed Farm, Fredericksburg, TX).
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When DMing Goes Bad

So I had an AWESOME idea for a dungeon. I planned it for over a month and when the day came to play it, I totally and utterly did really really not good at playing with it. I was a bad DM but I think I have some ideas to do better the next time we play.

This ‘Purr-fect’ DM has of course never had a bad hair day. However, he plays favorites to whoever gives him treats.

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Letters to Myself

Hey y’all,

The last six months have been a blur. I started working at a library overseeing a makerspace and tried getting my health back on track. Things are looking up in most everything. Except for my creative output but I’ve been working towards getting that fixed too. I’ve been striving to strike a balance between work, play, and family. I did make a mini-game jam RPG though called Letters to Myself.


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RPG Library

Hey! I finally posted a version of my incomplete thesis project on for anyone to check it out. I wanted to finish it but I had to keep moving on learning to code. This project got sidelined by my independent studies into Unity. The project is still buggy but you can try out the skeleton of it on my page here:

It was made using a Yoyo Games asset for GameMaker 1.4 (so I don’t know if it is for sale anymore). You can see I did a sweet job rebranding it in the demo:


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